Technical Notes -- #6 (tech_dr.txt v1.1) ************ Notes on running UCS software under DR-DOS 6.0 *************** UCS software runs on an MS-DOS compatible machine in conjunction with a special operating environment provided by GRiD systems. The Grid operating environment does not support DR-DOS. However, some customers have run similar software under DR-DOS 6.0. It is NOT recommended that you try this (find an MS-DOS machine instead), but if you must run under DR-DOS 6.0, I have provided a dump of some startup files that have worked for some customers: (autoexec.bat) Path=c:\DRDOS Verify off Prompt [DR-DOS] $p$g Set temp=c:\TEMP IF NOT "%TEMP%"=="" MD %TEMP% >NUL MEMMAX -U >NUL (config.sys) SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:1256 BREAK=OFF HIBUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=2,2 FASTOPEN=0 LASTDRIVE=E HISTORY=OFF COUNTRY=001,,C:\DRDOS\COUNTRY.SYS HIDOS=ON ?"Load Memory MAX software(Y/N)" DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM.SYS /F=AUTO /K=3072 /E=FFFF /R=AUTO (If you have low-memory problems, you can try reserving memory for the Grid APIs when they are loaded by adding the "/M=100" switch to the appropriate "go" batch file. This number is just a guess that has worked for some customers - a different number might be better for you.) Once again, DR-DOS is not supported and the above guide may not work. See the file "readme.txt" for general instructions on running UCS software. Call Ted Pryor at UCS, Inc. (305)771-8116 if you have questions/problems.